Allergies & Sensitivities.



  • Headaches
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Skin rashes
  • Stomach pains
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Persistent cough
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Recurring ear infections
  • Persistent cold

If you answered yes to one or more of the above you may have allergy issues.


An allergy may be defined as an abnormal immune reaction to a substance which would normally be quite harmless in majority of the individuals. A person allergic to that substance, however, would react by releasing chemicals which cause allergy symptoms.

Substances that may cause allergic reactions,are known as allergens and fall into the following groups:

                         ·         Foods

                          ·         House dust

                          ·         Pollen

                          .       Fungal spores

                          ·        Medicines

                          ·        Chemicals

                          .       Metals such as nickle


                          .       Pet dander

Practically any substance can become an allergen.

Why does the immune system over react

The immune system tries to protect the body by  removing these allergens by producing what are known as antibodies to that allergen.  These so called IgE antibodies bind to the surface of mast cells which line the mucous membranes. This binding action causes the release of chemicals such as histamine from mast cells into the bloodstream.

The released histamine  then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and cause the familiar symptoms of an allergic reaction. Exposure to same allergen in the future  will trigger this antibody response again but the response will be much quicker and more intense and every time you come into contact with the same allergen you’ll get an immediate allergic reaction.

What are the main types of allergic reactions:

  Hay Fever is the most common and perhaps affects 30-40  percent of the UK population.  It is defined as an inflammation of the nasal membranes by seasonal or year round allergens. Common symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and itching of the nose. Traditionally children and young adults have been the most common age groups affected by this disease, but in recent years many middle aged and the elderly have also started experiencing these symptoms perhaps due to  increase in the pollutants in the environment. 

  Hives (Urticaria)  is an itchy rash and  appears as raised red bumps of various shapes and sizes, and typically lasts for only minutes to hours. It can appear at any age. Swelling or angioedema of the lips, eyes , hands and feet often accompanies urticaria. The swelling itself is not usually itchy or red but tend to give a burning or stinging sensation. Severe swelling can cause breathing difficulties and can be life threatening. If such a situation should arise emergency medical help must be sought immediately.

  Contact dermatitis rash may look very much like a rash in atopic dermatitis but it is very much localized in the areas of contact with the offending allergen . The offending allergens are chemicals  including cosmetics, hair dye, metals, topical medications and dental materials. Common affected areas  include the face and  eyelids, neck, hands and feet, however areas such as wrists , ear lobes and the waistline can also be affected due to jewelelry , buttons o r zippers.

   Pruritus - Itching without a rash  is relatively common and could involve a limited area of the skin or it could involve the entire body. When the itching is localized to a certain area of the body it is safe to say that the disease is limited to the skin. If however the problem involves the whole body it could still be a skin disease or there could be something going on within the body such a thyroid disease or iron deficiency.  Some medications may also cause itching. These include pain killers such as morphine and codeine.

   Atopic dermatitis (The skin rash associated with this condition is called eczema) is a chronic, recurrent skin disease which is commonly associated with infants and children  but can continue or even start in adults. It is usually an inherited trait and therefore runs in families. Allergens are a significient trigger of atopic dermatitis.  Common ones are animal dander and house dust mite although pollen and fungal spores can make the condition worse. Stress and irritants can also act as trigger factors. Irritants include harsh soaps, chemicals, wool, heat and sweating.  Allergies to certain foods can also  be a trigger factor. Egg and milk are the most common . One important point to remember in atopic dermatitis is that  skin rash (eczema) is purely a result of scratching to relieve itching . Therefore, in order to control the rash scratching must be controlled. Infant atopic dermatitis is generally more severe although there is often  improvement in later childhood. The areas of the body where eczema is most predominant is dependent on the areas being scratched for example in infants and very young children the most scratched areas are the face, chest and trunk and may involve arms and legs. The part that is spared is the diaper area. In older children and adults the rash map changes and moves to the areas in front of the elbows , behind the knees, can involve the face and eyelids and in some cases may involve only the palms of hands and soles of feet.


   In rare cases, an allergic reaction can become very severe — this severe reaction is called anaphylaxis . Anaphylaxis usually occurs immediately after exposure to an allergen such as peanuts, strawberries and fish. However some reactions may take as long as 4 hours. Some signs of anaphylaxis are swelling of lips, tongue and throat with difficulty in breathing and swallowing followed by dizziness or loss of consciousness. Immediate emergency medical help must be sought.

   Insect bites and stings can also  causes an allergic reaction and can be severe enough to cause an anaphylactic reaction in some people.

   If you suspect you may have an allergy the first port of call is your GP who may refer you to a specialist for further testing. The specialist may carry out skin prick test and or a blood test.

   After the tests the specialist would in most instances ask you to stay away from the offending allergens  (called avoidance) or may be able to offer some help through medications and shots


   It is best to treat the allergies sooner than later. The symptoms of allergy can often be reversed if the allergy is treated early. The simplest way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid contact with the allergen. This method however is not practicle  for all situations ; dust, insects, pollen and a variety of chemicals are present no matter where you live. The first step in controlling allergy is to pay a visit to your doctor who will take your history and perform a physical examination if these point to allergy , the cause will be determined by either RAST and total IgE blood tests , skin tests or a combination of these procedures. A treatment programme involving avoidance (where possible and practical), medication or immunotherapy can be prescribed.

What Tests and Treatments are available


1.        Skin Prick Test  This test is a gold standard but has to be performed in a hospital environment as certain allergens may cause anaphylaxis which must be treated immediately with a shot of adrenaline.

2.        RAST Test -  A blood test which measures the amount of specific IgE antibody against a panel of allergens. The accuracy of this test is questionable as it gives a significient percentage of false positives and false negatives.



There are a large number of these tests around with varying degrees of accuracy. In our experience  BIORESONANCE  and BIOFIELD TEST has outperformed most of the other tests that we have tried.

Our Ph.D level staff have a vast experience in these technologies.

What does  Bioresonance and Biofield Testing involve:  The range of items that can be tested is enormous and is limited by our extensive selection of ampoules and anything that you may bring with you. These tests work by taking the allergen’s DNA oscillations and see how they interact with your body's immune system - whether in a positive or a negative way. Unlike the conventional skin prick test there is no danger of getting a severe allergic response or anaphalaxis.

Treatment Options

Unfortunately conventional medicine does not offer any treatment options except just a temporary relief.




Medication such as pills or nasal sprays are often used to treat allergies. Although medications can control the allergy symptoms (such as sneezing, headaches, or a stuffy nose), they are not a cure. Another type of medication that some severely allergic people will need to have on hand is a shot of epinephrine (adrenaline)  a fast-acting medicine that can help offset an anaphylactic reaction. This medicine comes in an easy-to-carry container that looks like a pen. Epinephrine is available by prescription only. If you have a severe allergy and your doctor thinks you should carry it, he or she will give you instructions on how to use it.

Allergy Shots

Allergy shots are often  referred to as allergen immunotherapy. By receiving injections of small amounts of an allergen, your   immune system undergoes changes by developing a low dose tolerance .  These changes help block the reaction caused by the substance to which you are allergic to.

Immunotherapy is only recommended for specific allergies, such as allergies to things you might breathe in (like pollen or pet dander) or insect allergies. Immunotherapy doesn't help with some allergies related to food. Although a lot of people find the thought of allergy shots unsettling, shots can be highly effective — and it doesn't take long to get used to them. In many cases, the longer a person receives allergy shots, the more tolerant they become to that allergen. Although the shots don't cure allergies, they do tend to raise a person's tolerance when exposed to the allergen, which means fewer or less severe symptoms.

If you're severely allergic to bites and stings, talk to a doctor about getting venom immunotherapy (shots) from an allergist.



In our centre and centres around the world this method has enjoyed  a great deal of success.  The success rate depends on the type of allergy.  With Hay Fever we have achieved a success rate of more than 90% whereas with other allergies the success rate varies between 50 – 90% In the case of food allergies you must avoid the allergen for one week before the first treatment until one week after your last treatment for that allergen. After this period you no longer need to avoid that allergen . If the treated allergen is an allergen that you previously had an anaphylactic or strong adverse reaction to, we recommend that you do not consume or contact this eliminated allergen until you had the allergen “challenged” by your GP.


Test 1 - Basic Test                               £60.00

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Test 2 - Gold Package                           £80.00

Basic plus Heavy Metals Plus Candida

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Test 3 - Platinum Package                    £100.00

Gold Package plus Geopathic  stress plus Electrosomg

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Test 4  -  DNA Hair Analysis  -   State of the art German technology has allowed us to offer Test 1 and Test 2 above (excluding candida) from hair samples. We can receive samples from anywhere in the world. The results are normally e-mailed within 7 days.


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Pay for the test now and post your hair sample - see instructions below.

Instructions for Hair collection:  Cut approx 15 strands of hair as close to the scalp as possible, wrap in tissue paper and post it to:  Natural Biosystems14 Poplar Grove , Stockport SK2 7JD.  DO NOT FORGET TO ENCLOSE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND E-MAIL   


TREATMENT  IS CHARGED AT £60.00  PER SESSION and is carried out at our various clinic locations or it can be carried out remotely (see our Bioenergy Healing Section.              

Following Packages are also available



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£5,000. 00   No success no Fee (conditions apply).

          (C) 2021  Dr.M. Naiem D.Phil (Oxon)